Need to replace the insulation?
Attic Cleaning

Professional Attic Cleaning Services

Let our experts make your attic is completely mold free

Attic Cleaning

Attic Cleaning Services | Attic Cleaning Thousand Oaks, CA

Your attic may not be a safe place for a non-professional to explore. That’s why our specialists deal with everything related including insulation removal, replacement, and, of course, our professional cleaning services!

Professional Cleaning Service

When it comes to cleaning out attics, we really know our business! Your attic may not have been cleaned out properly in years and may be home to huge dust bunnies, pests or even mold. Our expert cleaners have seen it all and can thoroughly clean out your attic professionally. That means that not only will your attic be spic and span, your air vents will also be blowing clean air through your home and we won’t damage your ceiling or roof.

Crawl Space Cleaning

It’s hard to get into the crawl space of your attic, even if you have a properly floored attic that you access regularly. But just like the rest of your attic, this area can attract unwanted pests. That’s why it can be difficult to seal properly against leaks or even simply clean out. That’s why our attic specialists are available to help you out!

Air Duct sterilizations

The air vents in most homes and offices are directed through the attic. That means that whatever is floating around the air in your attic is what you are breathing down below. If your attic is moldy, dusty or dirty, that’s what you will inhale when you’re inside the building. For your health and safety, it’s important to make sure your air duct and filtration system are properly cleaned out and professionally sterilized on a regular basis.

General Decontamination Services

Whether floored or not, your attic is most likely one of the filthiest areas in your home. Subject to damp, dust, mold, air contaminants and rodent infestations, you should have your attic thoroughly cleaned out regularly. And not just cleaned, but professionally decontaminated to deter the pests, mold and dust from reclaiming your attic for as long as possible!

When it’s time to clean your attic, it’s time to call our attic cleaning specialists!

Need more? We also provide:

Commercial Attic Cleaning

Attic fan installation

Air Duct Repair and Replacement

Crawl Space Waterproofing


Have any questions? We are here to help! Leave your contact information down below and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


With our team at your service, your satisfaction is always guaranteed. You can count on our professionals for outstanding quality and perfect results!

How can we help?
Select Date and time
Jan 15, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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Thank you for choosing our company to take care of your attic! Until our appointment, browse our website for blogs, tips, FAQ and more!